Cloud 9: Lunch Ladies News Wrap – Live from the Cloud Executive Summit

Silverlinings spent the better part of last week in Sonoma, Calif., hosting the Cloud Executive Summit and couldn't resist the opportunity to bring you an episode live from the main stage.

In this download, Lunch Ladies Elizabeth Coyne and Diana Goovaerts recap the takeaways from Day 1 of the event, with special guest commentary from attendees in the audience David Hawk from Aviatrix and AvidThink’s Roy Chua. You don’t want to miss this one! 

Catch all the news from the Cloud Executive Summit here. And check out a photo below of the goggles the Ladies mention in their introduction!

Here’s a handy guide to the chat:

00:04 Introduction
01:47 Liz and Diana recap Day 1 of the Cloud Executive Summit and share some of their key takeaways
04:05 Liz introduces David Hawk from Aviatrix to get his thoughts on the big multi-cloud debate
05:40 Diana tosses the conversation to AvidThink's Roy Chua for his take on the big news from Day 1
07:57 Diana shouts out Build-a-Bear CTO Dara Meath's Day 1 keynote for offering an interesting enterprise perspective on moving to the cloud

09:05 Liz and Diana sign off

Silverlinings team with goggles
The Silverlinings team in their trademark airship goggles (left to right: Dan Jones, Liz Coyne, Diana Goovaerts and Steve Saunders) (Diana Goovaerts/Silverlinings)

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