Extended: Nominations for the Most Influential People in Cloud

Greetings Silverliners. March is nearly upon us and since we are all huge sports fans here in Cloud City, we're launching a cloud-themed March Madness contest.

This year we are pitting 32 of the most influential people in cloud against each other in a bracket-style tournament (inspired by the NCAA's "March Madness" basketball tournament).

Silverliners (that's you!) will vote on your favorite people in each matchup, with the people that earn the most votes moving onto the next round. The person that wins its matchup every round through the Finals will claim the coveted title.

Details for entry

Rules: Companies and public relation firms can submit names into the contest. Yes, you can submit more than one person per company.

We need:

  • Name, title and company of the person you are submitting for consideration
  • 200 words on why you think the person should be included
  • A high-resolution headshot of your person. These photos must be appropriately named to identify the person (or else we will likely get confused).
  • 150-word bio of your person

By submitting, you are allowing the Silverlinings editorial team to make a decision on whether or not to include your person into the first round and subsequent rounds thereafter.

Note: Part of the fun of this contest is to highlight amazing people in our industry from around the world. Please make sure to write something unique about the person you are submitting. What makes them stand out? Why should people vote for them?

Submissions are due by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, March 10. The contest begins Thursday, March 16. (No extensions.)

How to submit

Send submissions your submissions to Silverlinings' Managing Editor Elizabeth Coyne at [email protected].

In your email subject line please write: Silverlinings March Madness - [COMPANY NAME]. If you don't do this part, we can't consider your entry because it will likely be lost in the disaster that is our email inbox.

There is no fee to enter.

The winner will be featured in an interview on Silverlinings after the contest ends.

P.S. Register for our Cloud Cover virtual event from March 14-15 here.